Saturday, May 31, 2008


Scuba diving ermmm sound like interesting and adventurous but at the same time it's also dangerous to people like me... u know why?? coz i don't fuckin know how to swim hahaha...

HBK seems like already fall in loved with it.... Me?? i just loved flirting with it... PM?? he just don't have any fuckin idea about it!! (same like me he doesn't fuckin know how to swim hahaha)

But just like when you flirting with girls, you like to try but at the same time you will think does it worth it!! What if i got panic?? Of course i WILL... I don't fuckin know how to swim!!! What if... What If.... the list will be longer.....
Would i try it or not?? i don't have any fuckin clue...
I'm trying to break my mental block... try to break my fear.... but seem like it's hard to break, maybe i will need someone to push me in the water.

But again i loved to gamble, just like flirting maybe i will try it... what the hell!!! if it has been written in heaven that i die while scuba diving so let it be.... i think it worth it!!! Not all people have the chance to see GOD creation underwater.

But at this fuckin moment, i don't seem I'm gonna be at the course this Sunday coz i still have my fuckin flu...
( hehehe thank GOD i still have my fuckin flu)

Maybe later HBK hehehe...enjoy your courses, I reckon one day you will be an instructor but please... please... if u be an instructor make sure your female student MUST i repeat MUST wear 2 piece hehehe
( hermmm i wonder how to flirt underwater??)


Mem Aluya said...

Flirting underwater?? Hah ha... I KNOW... wink wink...

Mem Aluya said...

Yuhu... the trick to be in the water is you must remain calm and try learn not to be panicky. Otherwise tu yang kalau masuk pool 0.5 m pun boleh mati lemas. Heheehe.

And... oh... something to think about... it's wayyyy better to die underwater than over there in Finne. Just a lil somthing from a friend, cheers!

blackened said...

Ishhh ko nie takan die kat Finne kot hehehe melompat mama aku kat kampung nanti hehehe agak-agak la sikit akak oiiii....